The Drain Game
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Hi everyone it's me again. Today with my class we are that the Great Drain Game people. We learnt about Water Waste Treatment Plant. There was a camper-van, we all took turns we get a bottles with something in side we have to figure out which bottles goes in which. I got a muddy bottle so a put int in the drain I didn't put the bottles in just the muddy Water. I learnt that diapers go in the bin and dirty water go down the drain.
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Hi again we learnt about the native species this here is a example the lady said that when the dirty rain come down the water becomes a bit cleaner they it was before we also learnt about birds like a Pukeko and a kiwi and a pigeon. we also look through these goggles they told us so information I saw divers and animals and the beautiful ocean.
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Hi here is my last think that I did we went around the school looking for drains we have to go in pears a went with Zion-Li
We found 23 drains when we were finished we had to make a promise that we wouldn't do any bad things to hour oceans.
Blog you later Finley. 
Hi Finley. My name is Nicolas and I am in Room 24. I really liked your post about the Great Drain Game. I liked when we learned about where things go down the drain. Either to the ocean or the waste water treatment plant. What was your favourite activity?
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