Friday, 17 May 2019

Stardome planetarium

Today we went to the Stardom Planetarium. When we got to the door we had to wait 5 mins. One school came off a bus too. They are going to the Stardom too!
We went inside and saw lots of cool things. It was so cool. We went in to this Room and a man said lots and lots of things about lots of planets there is Mercury, Venus, Earth , Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Thursday, 2 May 2019

VR session

Today we had some people coming to see us . They told us a about the sea. When we put the headsets on we saw some little fish and some big fish . We saw some  video of lots and lots of fish we also saw some snakes and and some grass on the bottom. 
Some kids said it is so cool and I think it is cool too. We saw some snakes coming to see us I do not like snakes. Do you like shakes? The V.R  said we need to help the fish in the sea because rubbish is getting in the sea we need to help the fish. Do you know in the sea there are snakes?